I haven't taken any photos in a while, nor done much on the computer since my hard drive crashed around the holidays and it spent a week in the computer hospital (Staples). Spent another week after it came home getting everything that I could restored to the new hard drive.  Thankful that I have Carbonite or I could have lost thousands of photos along with documents, and other stuff.  Still took some time to restore and since it doesn't back up programs I lost those.  Had to re-install my Photoshop Elements and got a message that my serial number had been used too many times (I knew this, due to multiple uninstallations and reinstallations until the hard drive finally totally failed).  I didn't know that I needed to deregister it before uninstalling so lesson learned on that.  Called Adobe and a very nice helpful man fixed it for me after only being on hold about 15 minutes.  I no longer have Word which I didn't use that much but I did have years of documents. Downloaded a free program called Jarte which works pretty well after some other downloads from Microsoft to make it work since my version of Word was an antique.  Everything seems to be ok now although some things ended up in strange spots and I'm still finding them.
Trying to get on board now to do some things from my endless to do list.  We will see in the coming weeks what gets done.  For today, Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday using her "wonderful magic" texture on 100% normal with text on top using a font called eraser dust.


  1. I would be in the hospital if my hard drive crashed : )

    1. I would have been if I didn't have the backup. Worth every cent of the $60 a year.
